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Helen’s House, Inc., showcases SISTERS IN POWERFUL POSITIONS (SIPP) in the forms of interviews, personal stories and much, much more. SISTERS IN POWERFUL POSITIONS reflects on the struggles, failures, successes, talents and achievements of women who have changed the game in our communities. SIPP gives transparency for people to see what it means to have a heart to serve, desire to lead and the influence to inspire other women to unleash the power within them to make their dreams a reality.


These women are powerful in the way they work, speak, encourage, love and support. Progress in our society is sometimes slow and for some of us to soar we recognize that it won’t be easy. These women will inspire a movement that will be unstoppable. To engage more, click on the video below and check us out!

Life experiences at Helen's House, Inc.

                    INTERVIEW WITH A. NECOLE S'VILLE
                       "Teen Pregnancy:  Success after the Storm!"
SIPP (A Sister In a Powerful Position):  A. Necole S'ville gives a heat-felt interview with Helen's House, Inc.'s CEO & Founder, Lisa M. Fisher. 
A. Necole shares her experience as a teen mother with transparency that every teen will appreciate.  This interview truly is inspiring to those young teen mother's who may have given up on growing their future careers and educational aspirations.  Hope is inspired through her story. Check out the video to see her success after the storm.
A Necole Sville, A real "GOAL DIGGER"  - Owner at Royal Care Beauty Supply, and ANS Credit Advisors. This lady right here is a BOSS!
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